"Man, That Recruiter is Aggressive!"
I was just telling some friends that I really enjoyed the recent Doonesbury sequence where young Alex Doonesbury talks to an Army Recruiter, horrifying her Dad and Stepmom Kim, who then try to keep the guy out of their house. It was funny and seemed perfectly exagerated for comedic effect--making fun of all the young Alexes for being so easily swayed by a signing bonus, affectionately ribbing a properly enthusiastic recruiter, and mocking her somewhat conservative Dad for his sudden apathy to the military. Sadly, it turns out it wasn't an exxageration but an understatement: check out this CBS news story about 17-year old high school journalist David McSwane and the tapes he made of his local recruiter (in Golden, CO) giving him advice on how to fake a diploma and fake out a drug test. Well, if the Army won't be recruiting this kid soon, I hope a college with a good daily paper will be. Link from Rishi.