Greetings from Zurich
I'm sitting in a hotel lobby in Zurich, staring at a rather large plastic cow with a Swiss cross on her side. She's nibbling plastic flowers out of a tin bucket, in a sort of static, statuesque way. I thought white cows with black spots were the pride of Jersey (the Channel Island, not the state), not of Switzerland, so I will have to keep my eye out for real cows. So far the taxi driver and half the other people I've spoken don't actually appear to be Swiss, but that's a grand total of 2. It's sort of mindbogglingly sunny and blue and bright and green and pretty here, so hopefully some photos will go up soon. It's kind of amusing to try and piece things together out of German, since I know none but it is a linguistic relation. On the train from the airport I saw a rather intimidating sign: "Jeder Missbrauch wird bestraft." "Every abuse will be punished."