Monday, February 14, 2005

What Day Is It?

I went to a Valentine's protest party on Saturday night, but really, I'm not a Valentine's Day hater. Despite the work of people like The Underminer. I was just part of a couple's ransom to get into the party and onto the dance floor--and a sweet dance floor it was.

I don't recall Valentine's Day in Kindergarten, which is odder than it might seem, since I have a sharp memory for such things. My neighborhood was beeing buried in snow at the time, so it's possible we just had other concerns. I do distinctly recall Valentine's Day in 1st grade. I was a new kid, and I had somehow missed the teacher's instructions. A pouty, rheumy-eyed classmate with long corn-silk hair regarded me with utter bewilderment and exasperation. She was all decked out in a red sweater with little white hearts and red corduroy pants. "It's Valentine's Day. You're supposed to wear red. Red! Or maybe pink. You are wearing Blue! Blue. Don't you like love??" I'm not sure what my witty comeback was, but I wish it was something like, "Love comes in all colors, duh! Besides, when I grow up, I'm going to Berkeley. Go Bears!"

Not sure what the emphasis on specifically wearing red was for, it seems a little intense for first graders. I guess it was the 80s. But yes, love comes in all kinds of colors. Hope you all have a great day, regardless of what color you're on right now.