Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Happy Birthday, Neil Gaiman's Blog!

Today is the fourth birthday of Neil Gaiman's Journal.
Happy Birthday to this blog, four years old today. It can walk, talk, it
knows its alphabet and it's probably prone to staring intently at people before
making peculiarly personal remarks of the "Why've you got such a funny nose?"
It's pretty much the blog that got me started on reading blogs, the first one I regularly kept track of, and a partial inspiration for my own humble attempts. It's a fun place, and he's even posted two of my FAQ submissions over the years. In general, because of his slightly. . .eccentric. . . .readership, it's often brimming with terribly fun and weird links.

When I got to attend a Gaiman signingon the day The Endless launched in New York last fall, I told him how the difference between his blogging voice and more official writing voice helped convince me that blogging wouldn't be so scary. Yes, he agreed, just be yourself. He's a pretty cool guy, and I look forward to reading many, many years more of it.