Colin brought Blog Day (or 3108 day) to my attention yesterday, just in time for me to participate. The idea is to take the day to highlight five new blogs you plan to start reading.
I may do more, but for now five blogs pulled from the blog-rolls of people already on my blog-roll:
By the Bayou: I got this from Maitri's Vatul Blog, which has some poignant coverage of her evacuation, explanations of and tracking of the devastation wrought on her city by Katrina. The Bayou name caught my attention, but John lives in Houston. He has some good blogging on the subject, too--like the planned evacuation of the Superdome refugees to the Houston Astrodome.
Red State Son: One Color in the Rainbow of Chaos: Saurabh of Rhinocrisy pointed this out in comments. Dennis Perrin is the author of "MR. MIKE: The Life and Work of Michael O'Donoghue, The Man Who Made Comedy Dangerous" and "AMERICAN FAN: Sports Mania and the Culture That Feeds It." Here, for example, is an interesting take down of Hitchens' credibility on the subject of anti-Semitism. Politics, humor, life.
Brooke and Lian: In correspondence Zwichenzug pointed out that his friend Brooke has moved to my part of the country, and Lian is travelling in Ecuador. Brooke is an activist with Ebase (and says we should boycott Gallo), and Lian has found some amazing sand castles in Atacames. Labor, travels, and life.
The Becker-Posner Blog: Or Dick and Becky as Geeky Chic 2.0 cheekily terms two venerable professors conversing about law and economics. Right now an interesting discussion of corruption.
Brad Plumer: A writer for Mother Jones in San Francisco, I got him from the Current.TV blog run by Robin Sloan. He finds an interesting tidbit about the discussion of the press in wartime from Hendrik Hertzberg's Politics.
(Technorati tag).