Sunday, October 17, 2004

Lacadaemonians, Again

I don't have time to really comment on this, but please read this article: Injured Iraq Vets Come Home to Poverty, by Brian Ross, David Scott, and Maddy Sauer. An excerpt:

Army Spc. Tyson Johnson III of Mobile, Ala., who lost a kidney in a mortar
attack last year in Iraq, was still recovering at Walter Reed Army Medical
Center when he received notice from the Pentagon's own collection agency that he owed more than $2,700 because he could not fulfill his full 36-month tour of duty.

This is important stuff--regardless of how you feel about the justification for the war, these are soldiers who have pledged to put their life and limbs on the line at the bidding of our collective wills, in the service of our collective security. We--and the executive we appoint to carry out our will--owe them better.