Thursday, April 15, 2004

Busy Busy Busy

More so than usual, which is saying a lot. Tuesday afternoon was pretty full, starting with a meeting about the final project of, of which I am the production editor.Then we had a reception for the delightfully informative if understandably sombre Steve Coll, managing editor of the Washington Post and author of Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001. I wanted to pick up a book and get his signature, but considering the fact that my room is overflowing with papers and unread books that I'm going to have to pack up soon anyway, I decided to postpone the inevitable purchase. Peer-pressure from my more thrifty classmates was certainly a factor. Now I rather wish I had gotten the book.
Had to run from the reception to class where we spent the evening with Mike Wallace, the legendary 60 minutes reporter. He told us tales of scooping Jennings and Brokaw on an interview with Khomeini during the Iran hostage crisis, and cornering Barbra Streisand on her relationship with her mother. Afterwards he stayed with us to watch GWB's 3rd presidential press conference, but made no comment on the magic tie. While it's true I don't watch TV anymore, I was a devoted ABCNews fan all the way upto college, and I had never seen that effect before. It was quite mesmerizing--to quote Atrios, "I want one of those magic ties. . ." I thought, as did John Martin and Mike Wallace and most of my classmates, that the press did a good job of applying some pressure this time. I do wish I could have seen the Daily Show send up though.
I've lost my voice and am otherwise slightly under the weather, so, what with everything else, blog entries might be few and far between. Keep yourselves entertained with this charming little flash "game," courtesy of Mr. Osborne.