Thursday, April 22, 2004

Absolutely fantastic article in Salon about digital photography, hoaxes, and journalism.

Journalists, geeks, policy wonks, photographers, philosophers---there is something here for all of you. "A picture is no longer worth a thousand words." Farhad Manjoo hits a home run. For the geeks especially, I highlight the second half of the second page, and its mention of the work of Dartmouth computer scientist Hany Farid. Really fascinating.

It saddens me to note this in the same posting, but Tami Silicio, the woman who made the beautiful photo of the caskets from Iraq being carefully secured for transport home, has been fired. Link thanks to Andrew.

And for the geeks---it may be possible to lower or get yourself an Erdos number . . .. link thanks to Colin. If only I wasn't so broke.