Oh, To Be In School Again
Where I would be able to use this delightful watch, found via Judi at Dave Barry's Blog. I stopped wearing a watch a while ago, but this would have been mighty useful in the great Science Department Wars of '95. The key, of course, is utter discretion about the watch itself, and using hard to detect projectiles. Eschew BB shot and dried peas (Does anyone actually eat dried peas anymore? They strike me as a fully weaponized agricultural product.) Bits of eraser are much easier to shrug off. Unfortunately, the manufacturers seem to think only guys would want such a present, and I doubt I could get the "Stylish Black Face & Silver Numbers" in a reasonable fit. I also think that any girl who gets this for her gentleman is either amazingly foolish or mildly masochistic. In the meantime I may have to content myself with a Bubble gun, or the Tabletop Trebuchet. Curses! How I miss the catapult I built in 8th grade.