Friday, December 10, 2004

Climate Change

Found via TalkingPointsMemo, a wonderful new enterprise: Climate Scientists blog about their field in order to better explain their field, on the new website I think blogs are an excellent way to get academics out into society, functioning as true public intellectuals, and I'm always happy to see more scientists doing so. I was particularly impressed with this round-up of attempts to discredit "the hockey stick" graph of global warming. This kind of work is especially important given the prevalence of misleading pop science and science fiction---see science writer Chris Mooney's sharp-tongued blog item on Michael Crichton, and Slate's mocking review. Maybe these guys can enlist the help of my friend Climateboy.
This apparently environmentally-friendly website, ClimateBiz, seems like a possible ray of hope: it aims to serve businesses and organizations that are willing to stop whining about nonexistent scientific discord, and start doing the hard work of rolling back emissions.