Thursday, April 22, 2004

Got this New York Times Op Ed piece from Matt Yglesias, and I think he's right in evaluating it. Incredibly correct.

I also want to say that I think we don't really adaquately reward the Kingdom of Jordan for being relatively open and relatively un-fundamentalist, nor for integrating a large number of Palestinian refugees, unlike every other Arab country that complains about the mistreatment of the Palestinians. That they don't want to integrate any more Palestinians seems to be practically based on the lack of water. My admittedly uneducated guess has been for many years that if any Arab kingdom has a real shot at promoting progressive Islam and developing into an open society, it's Jordan. That our relationship always seems to pivot around their attitude towards Iraq is probably quite unfortunate; if it pivoted more around their aid to the Palestinians, I think that America's general perception in the Arab world would probably be much better.