Monday, April 26, 2004

Every now and then, you just have to smile.

I wish I had listened to Nick and started reading Matthew Yglesias's Blog sooner. (Or MattY Matt Matt, as he calls him.) It's all very serious and policy heavy, but these lines, in an appeal for donations to various Democratic campaign funds, made me laugh out loud:

"One should also note that, McCain-Feingold aside, the amount of money a rich and generous person could spend trying to halt Bushism this year is nearly unlimited. Besides the Kerry campaign and its "Compliance Fund" you've got your DNC, your DSCC, your DCCC, several dozen competitive House and Senate races, state party organizations in the presidential swing states and the big Senate states, and, if you're seriously loaded, the soft money raising 527s. So, yeah, you're money's not going to do you much good if the whole country is ruined, so do what you can."