Thursday, February 23, 2006

Guest Blogger!!!

So I have a few things occupying my mind these days, and they're not really bloggable. I also have a few major rehauls of my web presence in mind, and some computer issues to take care of. So while I regroup and catch my breath, I thought I'd bring the guest bloggers back, in as much as they have time. But I wanted to specifically pass on some edifying entertainment in the form of one of my best friends, who expressed some jealousy the last time I had guest bloggers.

It's a bit difficult to introduce Colin. He was the head teaching assistant for modern physics when I was a sophomore at Berkeley, and quickly made himself indispensable as a source of help for homework problems and exam study sessions. Being a good conversationalist and a generally nice guy, he soon became indispensable as a friend as well. He's quite the Renaissance man. I was trying to think of a short way of listing his interests, decided it's easier to say what he's not interested in, and realized I didn't know what that is either. He's also responsible for my friendship with two of the previous guestbloggers--Emily went to college with him, and Scott is his brother. In general his treasury of fascinating people has proven an excellent raiding grounds for me, and I suspect that it will provide some good reading material for you as well. Enjoy!