Wednesday, February 01, 2006


So I went through all the trouble of getting you guest bloggers when I was travelling, without knowing that I'd be WAY busier when I came back. Sorry, gentle readers. Some quick notes:

1) I've started an internship at Business 2.0 magazine, based in San Francisco. If you have any tips or story ideas for me, please let me know at Saheli AT gmail dot COM. Please also note that this blog is in no way affiliated with Business 2.0 or Time Inc., and is solely my fault, as usual.

2) State of the Union address--Anup at TechPolicy has a nifty table. I hope to dig up more data later.

3) Abhi of Sepia Mutiny has a new paper out about analyzing microscopic 650 Million-year-old fossils. I thought it looked kinda cool.