Thursday, April 06, 2006

Four Things I Wish To Make Known

1. I really like the discussion going on in the post about petroleum and breakfast, despite its cantakerousness, and I hope it continues.
2. I have a lot of things to say about it.
3. I'm horribly painfully busy and cannot yet organize my thoughts on the subject. So please keep it up without me.
4. This video, courtesy of Apostropher at Unfogged, is simply one of the most wonderful web videos I have ever seen*. (I've linked directly to the video, but Apo's intro's funny too.) If you want snarky commentary and interpretation (gay, hot, sexy, whatever--these things are not my concern) Unfogged can do that much better than I can. All I can say is that I was having a no-good, very bad, quite awful day, and this thing made me laugh--appreciatively!!!--so hard that I dropped the keyboard and almost fell off the chair.

*The closest competitor that comes to mind is Matt is Dancing Around the World. In case you haven't noticed, I have a weak spot for dancing.