Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I'm happy to see the dry blue skies. After last night's deluge, which got me soaked from my socks to my shirt, I was afraid it would be yet another election day where Orange County got all the sunshine. Go vote! And Californians, let me know what you think of Proposition 80 by the mid-afternoon. I'm procrastinating on voting because I still can't decide. I was all set to vote yes, but then DeLong says no, and I noted that the Solar energy people are against it too, and several of my friends. But yeesh! Everyone else I trust is for it. But it's so complicated. This is why I hate propositions. If you ever hear of me starting a proposition that could just as easily go through the legislature, throw wet noodles at me or something. I like to vote no on anything I don't understand on principle, but sometimes tricky groups use that to override legislative work in some sneaky way. Maybe I should start a proposition against propositions!