Please Donate Blood
As of this morning the Northern California blood reserves are down to less than a day's supply for some types, according to a representative, and just above a day for the rest. This is way too low. The Red Cross likes to have a five day supply in a given region, and is minimally comfortable at three days. 41 units makes up a day's supply of O negative, and they currently have 16 on the shelf. They are also below a day for O positive, at a day for A, and at about a day and a half for the rest. They collect less on Fourth of July weekend and in the summer, and there are always more opportunities for accidents during a long weekend. Blood saves lives. You can sign up to be a donor here and here, and people in Berkeley can donate at the Pauley Ballroom on campus between 10 and 4 this Thursday. The restrictions on who can and cannot give blood are pretty strict (I can't, for example), but even if you can't give blood, please pass this on to others in case they can. Thank you!