Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Google "Saves" Journalist's Life

My Professor Sreenath Sreenivasan (i.e. Sree) is always harping on about how journalists should have their own websites so that they have some input into their Google Profile. This morning he got a chance to prove his point. This Australian journalist got captured by some insurgents in Bagdhad who were convinced he was working for the CIA or the reconstruction, but according to the BBC, after they Googled him they let him go. It probably helps to have a fairly unique name like John Martinkus.
Now if only someone would tell the Iraqi insurgents that the CIA didn't really want to invade and warned the White House there might be no WMDs, and if only the Iraqi insurgents would realize that kidnapping and killing individuals doesn't help their cause at all, and is in fact horribly wrong, and if only. . .ah well. I am glad that journalists have some protection, because somebody needs to get the word out when it comes to war.