Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Hmm, before I forget, I want to mention quickly what I think would be a brilliant set of moves for an elected (and inaugurated) John Kerry. Because the Clinton-Gore team was so young, we have an unprecendented number of high level statesmen sort of just sitting around, working for corporate boards and foundations. We could still use them in public office. If John Kerry is self-confident enough to run his own White House even with these talented people underfoot, he could draft them back. That includes some of the people he ran against. Unlike most, I say leave John Edwards alone--the Democrats need him in the Senate. But how about Howard Dean or Bill Bradley for Secretary of Health and Human Services? Dick Gephardt for Secretary of Labor? Bill Clinton for Secretary of State? I'm not saying this should definitely happen, I'm just saying--let's think out of the box.